Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog about Blogs

I enjoy blogging about things that interest me, specifically movies, sports and current events. I enjoy blogging about movies because I think it is a topic that everyone can get excited about. If there is a new movie coming out I feel the need to let everyone know about it. I love transferring this need to my blogs to create buzz around the internet and amongst my fellow students. I fi can write a blog about an upcoming movie that promotes a response from others I feel very accomplished. I also like blogging about sports because I think it gives a voice of passion to athletics Sports is such a huge part of The American culture and it makes me happy to share my opinion on the athletes that make that culture possible.

In response to Kiah Murray's The Green Movement

        I too am an avid supporter of helping our environment in any way possible. I think everyone made one conscience effort to make their daily lives more economically friendly than we would not need to worry about the future safety of our planet. I was recently driving through a part of Ohio with a friend to see his home. As soon as we entered his home town he was furious with all the construction and torn down greenery in his home town. He told us about all the times he would walk through the woods and climb trees as a kid, and now this woods was replaced with big business such as Cosco and Walmart. I believe our country cares more about big business than the big picture. And if this mindset is transferred to our youth, it will be a long time before we see any change in the status of our environment. I also spent the summer in a foreign country as did Kiah. I went to Germany for the summer and found that as did Kiah in Spain, Europe has made much more of an effort to recycle, incorporate solar energy, and use bikes instead of cars to help their environment.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nurse cleared from Ebola

Just recently Amber Vinson, a nurse that contracted the Ebola virus while caring for a patient in Texas was released from quarantine care. She flew to Cleveland after she had been in Texas where she contracted the virus. Now she is released from the hospital and able to join her family again. However, in Ohio alone there are 163 people being examined for coming in contact with Amber while she had the virus. More and more health workers are needed in West Africa to fight the virus that has already killed more than 10,000 West Africans. Kaci Hickox a volunteer doctor also has contracted the disease and is under close watch and quarantine in New Jersey. Hickox is legally fighting her obligated detainment, saying she is supposedly cleared of the virus and wishes to return to the world. Her lawyers are saying that she is a good person for volunteering and does not deserve to be detain for it. I personally am in favor of any restrictions that the government puts on anyone who has possibly come in contact with the virus. We need to think about the safety of our nation as a whole.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Movie Review: The Equalizer

If you are looking to get your heart rate jacked up for two hours of bone crushing action than go see Denzel Washington in his new movie The Equalizer. The movie has an amazing plot which puts Denzel's character against the entire Russian Mob. Denzel seeks to even the playing field for the men and women these evil Russian Drug lords look to exploit. What separates this movie from every other action movie you have seen is the unique ways in which Denzel chooses to kill his victims. This film is far from the traditional back and fourth gun fire flicks we usually see depicted in the genre. This movie is a refreshing statement to the genre and is undisputedly the best action movie I have seen in years. It is also nice to go to see a movie that does not need to incorporate billions of dollars worth of effects to attract an audience. This movie grabs your attention from start to finish using its complex set of characters that have great chemistry on camera. The Equalizer is definitely worth a trip to the big screen and will not disappoint you, especially if you are a Denzel Washington fan. Sometimes life can get boring and mundane, so " equalize" life's boring moments with some gun fire and blood shed from your favorite action hero Denzel Washington.

In Response to Luke Black's Smartphone blog

I completely agree with Luke Black's perspective of how smartphones are in fact determining how some of us choose to live our lives. Our generation that grew up without smartphones realize that these devices impact our lives greatly. We see people like Luke Black calling attention to the fact that although these phones make our life easier at times, if not managed properly they can rob us of the random beauties of life. However, What scares me the most is that a new generation of kids is on the rise and they will grow up with these devices that promote looking at a screen rather than a sunset. This new generation I fear will value their social lives through social media. If you follow the link below you will see a video of how all these snap chats and Facebook updates do not really connect us but rather set us further apart. The more we contact people through means other than human interaction, the more we distance ourselves from who we truly are.

Please Watch !

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Life Lessons Spongebob Taught Our Generation!

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?  Who teaches us lessons of how life should be? SpongeBob Square pants is one of the main reasons why kids growing up in the 90's know how to live!  

#1 Never give up ! In the Krusty Krab pizza episode, despite many problems SpongeBob is determined to deliver the first ever Krusty Krab Pizza ! This teaches kids that no matter what happens in life you should still take pride in what you do and achieve your goals. Even if it is something as small as delivering a pizza.

#2 The Value of Friendship - SpongeBob goes to all different lengths to help his friends no matter what the cost. SpongeBob knows Patrick is not the smartest fish in the sea, so he teaches him to avoid the hooks. SpongeBob knows that Squid ward is feeling sad a lot of the time, so he always tries to cheer him up.

# 3 Loyalty- SpongeBob taught us to be loyal because he never gives away the Crabby Patty Secret Formula. He also is loyal to his friend Sandy when he promises to visit her tree dome, he is so loyal he is hesitant to tell Sandy he needs water to survive.   

#4 Respect Your Elders- SpongeBob tries to see the potential in everyone. Even two burnt out super hero's who have seen there better days. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy might be old, but that does not stop SpongeBob from having many adventures with them and teaching us that an old dog can still learn new tricks!

#5 Have Faith - If you are ever stranded in a kelp forest with no food and just a Magic Conch Shell, thanks to watching SpongeBob you know what to do... Nothing!  SpongeBob teaches us that sometimes the best thing to do is just lay back and believe everything will be ok. If you have faith in what you believe in, no matter how strange, good things will happen!